Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022

Dollar Back - You got tough by a sleaze ball? Presently get your scamback!

Dollar Back - You got tough by a sleaze ball? Presently get your scamback!

Project Outline

There are multiple ways hoodlums and con artists can get your crypto or stunt you into giving it to them. Crypto tricks frequently expect to acquire private data, for example, security codes or stunt a clueless individual into sending digital money to a compromised computerized wallet. At the point when clients sign in to a digital money account in a public area, tricksters can take their private, delicate data. A trickster can capture any data sent over a public organization, including passwords, cryptographic money wallet keys and record data. All in all, how to recognize a crypto trick? Cautioning signs to pay special attention to include: Commitments of ensured returns: No monetary venture can ensure future returns since speculations can go down as well as up. Any crypto offering that guarantees you will bring in cash is a warning.

What is DollarBack?

You need to recover your venture lost to tricks, and create a gain simultaneously? Then help our task and become a piece of our local area, so that holding pays off for everybody once more!


Our objective

Sadly, at this point individuals succumb to tricks and lose their cash consistently. We want to make a functioning local area which increments consequently by selecting new individuals on normal virtual entertainment stages. The people group is our most significant point of support as we can push the task just together. Each and every individual from the local area can uphold the undertaking with their responsibility and in this manner fill the pot for our giveaway.

Our Action

We additionally plan postings on trades. In addition, each colleague will be accessible as a contact individual on all web-based entertainment stages.

Level framework
To for all time make a high volume and create sufficient pay for the giveaway, a level framework with marking will be set up. We expect a long-running, consistently developing rate as there is a colossal number of individuals who succumbed to a trick.

Casualties help casualties
By buying our token, casualties help different casualties. Rewards are consistently circulated among holders, by which you can build how much tokens in your wallet and create a gain. This component is switched off for marked tokens. Being a compensation for our supporters is implied.

Our arrangement
Our site's arrangement will be firmly impacted by the arrangement of a platform (purchase - stack - take an interest - win). Rather than winning whitelist spaces, you can win the discounts of your speculations with us.

Lost cash?
Each and every individual who lost their cash to a trickster can recapture their venture through our giveaway. To fit the bill for our giveaway, you need to purchase and stake our symbolic first. Then you need to confirm how much your lost speculation.

We want confirmation
Check must be given through the giveaway structure on our site as well as by sending the trick token onto a wallet which is set up explicitly for your trick.

Issues move token?
You can't move your trick token? For this situation, we check the validness of your data and afterward we concede you to the giveaway. Just somebody who truly lost cash to a trick has the opportunity to win it back!



Our tokenomics

Max Supply: 300 Billion

The group behind dollarback

We are a little European Group which is committed to assist with defrauding casualties. We need to offer individuals the chance to recapture their lost speculation, propel them to assist us with that and accordingly make the cryptospace cleaner and more secure. Everybody of us has long periods of involvement with exchanging forex and digital currencies. This experience will be integrated into our venture's customizing. Exact Data in the group can be found on the last landing page as we are as of now actually selecting individuals for the help of the language visit framework.

For more info:


Bitcointalk Username: Lucas Vazquez

BitcoinTalk Profile URL:;u=2852555


Wallet Address: 0xbFa864138a2dBC6c77B5CB6e916D6b6c1eCDc9F7

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